TECHSAN agricultural machinery

The concept, design and manufacturing of TECHSAN equipments exclusively belong to the company. In manufacturing these tools we are almost the only ones in Romania, where the components, spare parts are carried out in a proportion of 90% in our factory. The rest of the components is provided through collaboration with Romanian and foreign producers.

The basic equipment is made up of two types of moto-mower and one moto-tiller. For each there is the possibility to adapt several accessories.


Professional TECHSAN moto-mower model 160
TECHSAN moto-mower model 60
TECHSAN moto-tiller
Contact us via:

SAN SRL (L.t.d.)
530192 Miercurea-Ciuc (city), jud. Harghita (county), Romania
str. Iancu de Hunedoara nr. 19 (street)
tel. / fax: +40266313731
mobil: +40731009410; +40721341498
e-mail: office@techsan.ro